Kauai, February 21

The first item on the agenda for this day was to take a look at one of the easiest accessible water falls on the island, Wailua Falls. On the way there we got our first view of Mount Wai'ale'ale and it's U-shaped crater, as usual the top of the old volcano is covered in clouds.

The view of Wailua Falls from the lookout point next to the road. There is a paradise-pool below the falls which is rather tricky to access, but more on that later.

Our next goal was Gillin's beach. A secluded beach at the south-east end of the island. Parking the car after 30 minutes on a bumpy dirt road we found this footpath to the beach.

mmm, nice!

SPF 25 all day...

Ice tea, yummy...

...but I can't get to it... wwaaaa!

This guy is practicing old-style hawaiian net-fishing. He got a pretty good catch.

Monk seal. It had a good time in the sun, just a little annoyed (grumping quite a bit) when it had to move further up the beach due to the tide.
Size: about 2m.

How nice to take a nap in the shade with the sound of the waves in one's ears...

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