California impressions
- 2011
- Climbing Split Mountain, attempt #2
- Girls' trip to Palm Desert
- Mission Viejo arts festival
- Sunday morning in Laguna Beach
- Linn's pool party
- Girls' first baseball game
- Easter with the Kaufman family
- Swedish School easter picknick
- Evening Picknick with the Dehnke family
- Spring weekend in Palm Springs
- Family time and time with friends
- Linn & Allie - Gymnastics, Spelling bee, ...
- Chinese New Year's party at Tricia and David's
- Mount Baldy snow climb, Apr 2
- Linn at School, Jan - Feb
- Afternoon in the Snow, Jan 7
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003